Tuesday, November 11, 2008

dear diary (bad tippers and subtle revenge) 06/22/2008

dear diary,

last night at o'charleys (i work there sometimes on saturday nights) i had given the best performance of a good waiter i could muster up only to receive a $1.00 tip. yes, $1. and the audacity of it all was that i was told, "you are a great waiter". i think i'm going to start a good tipping revolution. if your tab is $50, then 10% is??? that's right...$5.00. only 10% is insulting. most people give between 15 - 17%, and that's fair. however back to my table of idiots. the restauraunt closes at 11pm and they show up at 10:30pm...which is always exciting. as i'm giving them their to-go boxes i notice they've already left me their beloved $1.00 at the edge of the table. and then my revenge took place. they asked me, "would you be so kind as to take a picture of us?" i smiled, and said, "i'd love to." i had them position themselves right smack in the middle of the empty restaraunt, squeeze tightly together (so it appears i care) and smile. (keep in mind they had a disposable camera too). i backed up, turned the camera vertical, and took the picture. only i made sure that they weren't in the picture. in fact, my middle finger (coincidence? i think not) just so happened to "accidently" cover the lens, and what was left of the frame succomed to the cheesy murial that borders the restaraunt. i said to them, "there you go...have a good night, and thanks for the tip". "oh you're welcome, good job..."

i love you,

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